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Sunday, November 27, 2011

B. Aravindakshan: Dr. K.K. Damodaran, Century Award


                      Dr. K. K. Damodaran, an Eminent Atomic Energy Scientist and ardent follower of Sree Narayana Guru were presented with “Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Man of the Century Award” by Sree Narayana World Council, New York.  The award was given during his   90th birthday (Navathi) celebrations in Mumbai, India.

Mr. P S Souhardan, Director of the Sree Narayana World Council attended the Navathi celebrations and met Dr Damodaran in Mumbai and conveyed world Councils decision and congratulated him for his dedication to Guru Dharma and serving one and all for the betterment of human and nature.
Mr. K. G Janardanan, Chairman of the Sree Narayana World Council in New York said,  “Sree Narayana Guru Darma Man of the Century Award” is bestowed to Dr Damodaran for his unparalleled contribution in Science, propagating Sree Narayana Guru’s philosophy, promoting socio-economic developments, education and unity among all.

Dr Damodaran’s lifelong commitment in implementing Gurus philosophy for the uplift of all lead to taking part in creating Sree Narayana Mandira Samiti in Bombay (Mumbai) and during the last 48 years he was very instrumental for establishing 16 Gurudeva Centers, temples, 2 High Schools, 3 colleges, Savings bank, International Center for Sree Narayana Guru Studies & Community halls in the state of Maharashtra, said B. Aravindakshan, General Secretary of Sree Narayana World Council in New York.

In the history of Sree Narayana Guru institutions in the world   Dr K K Damodaran is the longest serving guru follower managing many institutions and humanitarian services to the needy in the name of Sree Narayana Guru in India which makes him a true Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Man of the Century, said Mr. Babu Uthaman, CPA, Chief Operating Officer of the Sree Narayana World Council.
Born in Kadapramannar - Thiruvalla, Kerala on October 31, 1921,   Dr Damodaran earned his PhD in Nuclear Physics from London University College in 1952. During his tenure at Baba Atomic Research Center he was associated and guided by India’s eminent scientists Dr. R Ramanna, Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha and Dr Vikram A. Sarabhai. Dr Damodaran acknowledges Mr. R Shankar, former Chief Minister of Kerala and Secretary of Sree Narayana Darma Paripalana Yogom (SNDP Yogam) planted the seed of social service in him in his twenties.    Dr. Damodaran and his wife Saraswathi Damodaran lives in Mumbai. They have two children, Dr. Asha Pradeep and Vinod Damodaran, a software specialist and IIT graduate.
Dr Damodaran now serves the SNMS (Sree Narayana Mandira Samiti) as President Emeritus. His 90th Birthday was celebrated at SNMS hall, Chembur, Mumbai. Thousands attended, hundreds felicitated him including many dignitaries from all over India.  Oommen Chandy, Hon Chief Minister of Kerala was the Chief Guest of the 90th (Navathi) birthday celebrations held in Mumbai on November 13, 2011. On behalf of Sivagiri Mutt, Swami Irthambarananda, General Secretary of Sree Narayana Dharma Sanghom Trust gave Navathi blessings to Dr K K Damodaran. 
SNMS, Mumbai manages the biggest educational & charitable organization in the name of Sree Narayana Guru outside of Kerala State in India. It has 12,000 Life members and 680 Patrons from all over the world.
The Holly teeth, the only mortal remains of Sree Narayana Guru are kept at Gurudevagiri Complex in Nerul and it is presented for public view on 11th February of every year.  Sree Narayana Mandira Samiti manage its charitable operations through voluntary donations, life and patron memberships. Membership is open to all.  Web: